Saturday, August 30, 2014

The 2014 US Open Drinking Game

by Deghasio 

“All those years I was dreaming of other things, I was actually doing what I really wanted: hanging out with my family, drinking with my friends, making friends with my family and hanging with my drinking.” – Homer Simpson

After writing about 15-year-old CiCi Bellis yesterday, I feel the need to assert my age by presenting the world with my 2014 US Open Drinking Game*, which is as follows:

Drink every
  • Changeover
  • Break of serve
  • Attempted tweener (finish drink)
  • Announcer reference to his/her playing days
  • Statistic with blatantly small sample size
  • Announcer reference to grunting or time violation
  • Crowd shot of celebrity of former / eliminated player (2x if former champ)
  • Camera shot of player’s boyfriend/girlfriend/coach/family
  • Advertisement with former champion
  • Reference to player’s last year / best tournament result
  • Cut to announcer in stands (finish drink if interview)
  • Announcer reference to death / demise of American tennis
  • Change of racket (finish if smashed)
  • Clothes swap (chug throughout)

*Special thanks to Sam G. for helping in the creation of this game.

Happy drinkings! Unless you are CiCi Bellis' age, in which case please wait 4 years and 9 months before participating.

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